Friday, July 2, 2010

Riley's Weekend Fun with the Family

Riley had a great time with her grandparents and I'm starting to think she got spoiled a little too much. During the weekend she managed to learn how to raise her arms to me when wanting to be picked up. Thanks Mom!!! I've been trying to just let her cry a bit to break the habit, but it has been kinda hard. Riley was able to finally meet one her uncles!!! (Cute pic below)

Thanks Moms for each of you watching her a day for us while we attended the reunion!!!

Good News: Riley has been making lots of crawling motions when playing in the floor alot this week. I'm just curious how long it's going to take her till she is really calling and will have to put baby gates up. The doctor said I should start child proofing the house. Any advice on what I need to do besides the sockets?? What do I put on the cabinets??

School started back for me yesterday. The class I am taking is International Marketing which I am interested in learning about but nervous about the workload. I have 4 papers due a week, 4 (not excited). I am really hoping I can keep up with the class along with everything else. Hopefully so keep your fingers crossed!!!

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