Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

I know this post is a day late, but I think my hubby's First Father's Day was a success. He woke up to fresh coffee and me cooking breakfast. I made chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and some sliced fruit (strawberries and kiwi). I thought it was pretty tasty. Riley and I also went to visit her daddy at work as a surprise, which is sort of a big deal considering he works an hour from home. His gift is a new brown leather recliner, which he loves. In the beginning he said no one could sit in it, but him and that's already been vetoed by Riley and I.

Chris I just want you to know how much you are appreciated. We love you so much. Riley and I are truly grateful to have you in our lives and couldn't imagine life without you!!! Hope you loved your funny Father's Day cards.

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